Find Your Funder™

Did you know that there are more than 350 different business funders in the country?
These funders offer more than 600 different finance products. Some of the funders are Government funding agencies, and others are from the private sector (such as banks and smaller private lending companies). It is also important to understand that there are different types of funding options for different funding needs. Examples include asset finance, invoice factoring, purchase order funding, growth finance, and many others. Some of the funding comes in the form of a loan, but there are also grants and equity funding. It is difficult for businesses to know which funding product best suits their needs, which funder to approach, and what each funder requires from them.
Find Your Funder™ that matches your needs within minutes
Simply click the Find Your Funder™ button, complete a short registration and some business profile questions, and we will provide you with the list of funders that match your needs, details of how to contact them, and what they require from you.
Finfind has been specifically designed to help match businesses seeking funding with the right funders, and therefore saving businesses the time and frustration usually associated with trying to access finance. We have a comprehensive database of all the funders and funder offerings, that is updated daily.
It is important to understand that Finfind is not a funder, our role is to match you with the most suitable finance provider and provide you with essential funding information, tips and templates, to help you get ready for funding.